Fueling Excellence
in Sports®
Your athletes work everyday to be the best. Cornerstone Team Sports is committed to fueling their need to perform at their optimal levels.
The 2025 Gatorade Performance Packages are now available to order!
List Price:
CTS Price:
You Save:
$60.59 (76%)
The Berrcom Non-Contact Infrared with just the push of a button and within 1 second you will have an accurate temperature reading. It has a large LCD display that has three color code ranges. These colors indicate if a patient’s temperature is normal, or if they have a low fever or high fever. Great to use on all ages.
List Price:
CTS Price:
You Save:
$1.35 (27%)
List Price:
CTS Price:
You Save:
$4.45 (23%)
List Price:
CTS Price:
You Save:
$16.40 (33%)
List Price:
CTS Price:
You Save:
$15.30 (31%)